JNT Developers

JNT Developers

Friday, April 19, 2019

Tips for Planning a Tenant Build Out

Build Planning TipsA tenant build-out is the process of transforming a space leased by a commercial tenant in order to meet a tenant’s requirements. The process might involve changing the design or the layout of the offices, of the commercial space or of the restrooms and in most cases, it involves painting work and other types of internal finish work as well as the accommodation of new technology.

Depending on the complexity of the project, tenant build-outs might require building or demolition permits issued by local authorities and the involvement of professional designers and architects in the creation of detailed plans, layout designs and blueprints, followed by the actual work processes carried out by building contractors. Like any building project, a tenant build-out also needs to be meticulously planned and managed – the teams that execute the build-out plans need to be coordinated the same way as in the case of a larger construction process.

Budget planning also needs to be made an integral part of the overall planning – like in the case of any building project, the allocated budget should be at least 15% higher than the total amount calculated for materials, labor fees and documentation costs to allow for easier accommodation of unexpected expenses and situations.

See https://jntdevelopers.com/dallas-commercial-and-tenant-build-outs/

Article Source right here: Tips for Planning a Tenant Build Out

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